Employee Health Services

Employment Health Assessments are carried out to ensure an employee is fit to work in a specific environment, can fulfil the requirements of a role and to protect them from potentially harmful work environments.

We offer a range of Employment Health Assessments including Pre-Employment, Periodic, Specialised and Legislative Medical Assessments.

Read more about or heath services below.

Or, book an appointment now


Employment Health Services

Pre Employment Health Assessment

Risk management ensures the people you have working for you can meet the demands of their role. Employment health screens check; strength, hearing, flexibility, drug & alcohol, cardio and vision. Providing you with the certainty that your staff are fit for their work performance.

Contact Us for more info or,

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Drug & Alcohol Testing

Sending your employees to the doctor or laboratory stops production and wastes time. D & A testing can be done at your work site or at our office. Conducted in accordance to your business policy they can be random, scheduled for OGUK testing, in response to an accident or suspected health concerns.

Contact Us to arrange tests on your premises.

Book appointment now at our office

Hearing (Audiometric) Testing

Audiometric testing is required for workers in a prescribed workplace who are exposed to 90dB or above throughout a standard day or peak of 140 dB.

Employees must have a baseline hearing test within twelve months of commencing employment and each year thereafter. If you provide hearing protectors to control your employees’ noise exposure you must provide audiometric testing.

Easily done in our office sound booth with minimal time and disruption to production.

Contact Us for more info or,

Book an appointment now

Lung Function (Spirometry) Testing

Spirometry is a standard test used to measure how well someone's lungs are functioning. The test works by measuring airflow into and out of the lungs.

Since 2012 Spirometry testing is recommended and regulated under the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA).

Ideally, testing should form part of your pre-employment or onboarding process to produce current test results for your employee file.

Testing then should be conducted at least annualy so changes in lung capacity are recorded. Safework recommend lung testing be part of health monitoring process of workers exposed “to certain substances”. Frequent testing highlights changes in employees lung capacity giving employers offering the ability to make changes and avoid costly loss of productivity whilst caring for your employees.

Contact Us for more info or,

Book appointment now at our office

Bespoke Company Policies

Company policies are usually just another thing to tick off the list for many businesses.  BUT in incorrectly worded policy found and copied off the net can cause you headaches and increased risk of unfair dismissals, legal action, OHS issues... Useful policies, written specifically with your business in mind will protect you, your family and your hard earned money.

Can you afford to not have all the policies?

Contact Us Now for more info!

If you have any questions relating to your employees or your employer about our Employee health services, type your message below and send it to us. One of our team will contact you shortly.

Your workplace safety is our priority!
